Monday, November 13, 2006

An open statement

Dear individuals pursuing lawsuits regarding your appearances in the film Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan,

I support your lawsuits. It is my opinion that you should be able to reap financial gain from anyone who makes you look like a complete jackass in front of the entire international public. Therefore, I suggest you switch the targets of your lawsuits away from the parties who merely gave you an opportunity to look like a jackass, and go after the true guilty parties. Please sue yourselves, waste the judicial system's time, and get slapped with fines for frivolous lawsuits.

Your pal,
Remus Thirty

PS: To the fraternity members who appeared in the film and are now suing, a hearty thank you for reinforcing the final part of the "frat boy" stereotype by having your rich dads try to provide you with legal protection from the consequences your own asinine actions.

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