Tuesday, December 05, 2006

In the past, I've tended towards half.com, myself

Hello all (or based on the number of replies that the posts to date have gotten, "Hello none"). As shocking as this may be, seeing as bloggers are, by and large, irresistible to members of the opposite sex, I have a long history of ill luck in the field of romance. It's not that there's anything awful about me, there just always seems to be a more preferable option available. As of today, I'd like to add "Amazon.com" to the list of things that girls I've taken a shine to have preferred or placed priority over yours truly. This is a noble list, to be sure, and includes, but may not be limited to the following entries:

Time alone
Men who will cheat within weeks
Men who cheated not weeks before
An asshole who came out as a homosexual 3 years later
Graham Rowe
A sociopath
A man described by some as "Homer Simpson"
Maintaining friendship
A man who urinated on someone else's car
Super powers/Faux wicca
Social status

Strangely enough, "Other women" has not yet made it on to the list, but given some time I'm sure I'll chase a closeted lesbian at some point.


Anonymous said...

Uh oh, I think I may recognize myself in there. Eek.

Please allow for the fact that us chicas are raised wishing for happily ever after. Some women take longer than others to realize that Mr. Right probably won't gallop forth upon a shining white steed. The Princess Charming who's looking for you will have already matured past that point and will be able to acertain your identity by a much more adult marker:

your Crocodile Dundee hat!!!!!

Okay, no, but seriously... Everyone knows that dating is rough. A very silly but wise old guy told me that Mr. Right could be just around the corner someday and I'm going to walk smack right into him. So I'm imparting that cute wisdom on to you. Except you'll probably want to change Mr. Right to something else.


Unknown said...

Wiccan powers are a tough one to beat. I personally want to know if and when the lesbian scenario occurs!

Stefanie said...

I still loooooove you.

Adam said...

If it makes you feel any better, I once dated a girl who eventually decided she preferred girls. (There were a few other guys between me and that decision, but you can ignore that at will.)