Monday, September 07, 2009

Tales From The Lebowskis - The Greatest Card I Have Ever Received

While doing some recent closet cleaning, Meredith came across a box of my things that I had forgotten about. Inside this box, amongst other things, was the greatest card I've ever received from anyone, for any reason. This card was a birthday card, given to me on my 23rd birthday. It was from my beloved grandfather, Dave "Jaja" Lebowski, Sr., a man who felt he had a lot to express with this birthday card. In his gentle and poetic script, he covered who I am to him, his thoughts on the amount of time I'd been on the Earth at that point, and his larger reflection on the whole affair. Visible below is the outside of the card. Please click on this image to be taken to a view of the interior.

I realize that for anyone reading this blog who doesn't already know who I am (nobody), this card does provide a clue to my true identity. Luckily, googling "Matt Thirty" only brings up some Malaysian guy's MySpace profile, some Bible passages, and a few other odds and ends. As you can see.

1 comment:

Scout said...

This is awesome. I wish I had some great cards like these!