Saturday, September 19, 2009

Tales From The Lebowskis - Jaja Card 2: Jaja Carder and Jaja Card with a Vengeance

Last time, I showed you the greatest card I've ever received, a birthday card from Dave "Jaja" Lebowski, Sr. While cleaning, I have come across two more classic Jaja cards that I would like to share with you. Neither is quite as good as the first, greatest card (pretty much by definition), but they are both good. Rather than the "click-the-front-to-see-the-inside" gimmick, this time I'll just post up scans of the images for your enjoyment.

For the first of these two cards, I happened to have the envelope still around, which features strikingly artistic labelling. Note the double outline letters. Groovy.

Next we have the front of the card itself. It's a bit... floral... for Jaja's tastes, so I think he was clearing out a back stock of old cards that Nonnie left behind when she passed.

Now for the interior. In all sincerity, without any hint of sarcasm, this card was actually really touching to me in the simplicity of its message. Thanks, Jaja. Love you too.

Now onto the next card. Here we have a standard-issue holiday season billfold card. The kind that basically guarantees there's some currency within (Jaja's usual Christmas gift).

What's written inside? Along with a stock "Let It Snow!" message, we have a custom holiday greeting from Jaja. Not "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Holidays." Oh no, not any sort of well-wish at all. It's a statement of fact. In the third person. With the verb conjugation seemingly decided after the fact. As if to answer the age old question, "Who loves ya, baby?"

Jaja does. Jaja loves you, baby.

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